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Title: Biological Suppression of Diseases of Plantation Crops and Spices - Present Status and Future Strategies
Authors: SARMA, Y R
Keywords: Plantation Crops
Issue Date: 1998
Citation: Bangalore, Project treatment of Biological control, 1998, pp.21-47
Abstract: Diseases and pests are the major production constraints in plantation crops and spices. Since high degree of host resistance is lacking at present for many 'Of these, the major focus of disease management has been through chemical control which has limitations because of leaching off problems during heavy rains. Since these high value crops, specially spices being export oriented, biocontrol options have become more attractive. Though there arc 'several disease problems which are amenable to biocontrol, the investigations on these are very recent, and arc being pursued at different research institutions. The initial leads obtained in stem bleeding of coconut, foot rot of black pepper. capsule rot of cardamom and rhizome rot of ginger are highly encouraging and indicated the potential of biocontrol in disease management on these crops. Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium virens were found to be more efficient in suppressing root rot in many of these crops. Besides. fluorescent pseudomonads and Glomus fasciculatum a vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (YAM) were also found effective against combined infections of Phytophthora and plant parasitic nematodes in black pepper. Similar studies are warranted in root rots of coffee and tea. The present status of biocontrol in disease management in these crops and future strategies are discussed in the present paper.
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