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dc.contributor.authorGOPALAM, A-
dc.contributor.authorZACHARIAH, T JOHN-
dc.identifier.citationIndian Cocoa, Arecanut & Spices Journal, Vol.12, No.2, pp.44-45en_US
dc.description.abstractAmong 30 species of piper known in India few including P. nigrum., Piper longum (long pepper), P. cube/i, (cubeb) and P. betel (betel vine) are known to be cultivated. P. nigrum L. from which black pepper is obtained is a perennial climbing vine. The cultivars of black pepper were generally evolved by natural selection and natural hybridization. More than 69 cultivars are known to be cultivated in India and these are distinguished by different names either given by the planters or generally known by the names of the places of cultivation. Transportation of one variety or cultivar from one area to another caused a natural variation within the same genotype due to differential ecological situations. This has resulted in the same variety being known by different names in different places.en_US
dc.titleBlack Pepper Oil-Chemical and Aroma Qualityen_US
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