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Title: A comparative quality appraisal of exported cardamoms of India, Sri Lanka and Guatemala
Authors: Kizhakkayil, Jaleel
Thomas, Elizabeth
Shyamkumar, S
Sasikumar, B
Keywords: Cardamom
Elettaria cardamomum
Sri Lanka
Physical parameters
Biochemical parameters
Molecular technique
Issue Date: 2006
Citation: Natural Product Radiance, Vol. 5(5), 2006,pp.361-365
Abstract: Exported cardamoms from India, Sri Lanka and Guatemala were characterized based on physical, biochemical parameters and molecular techniques. For most of the physical quality parameters and for the biochemical traits such as starch and crude fibre Indian cardamom is found superior to the other produces. Further, GC profile of the oil of Indian cardamom indicated higher quantities of α-terpinyl acetate and 1, 8-cineole, which impart aroma and flavour to the cardamom, thus reinforcing the legendary belief of high intrinsic quality of the Indian cardamom. Molecular profiling using RAPD/ISSR primers did not reveal much polymorphism.
Appears in Collections:CROP PRODUCTION

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