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Title: Inheritance of cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV) resistance in cardamom
Authors: Prasath, D
Venugopal, M N
Keywords: Elettaria cardamomum
Cardamom mosaic virus
Inheritance of resistance
Issue Date: 2010
Citation: Scientia Horticulturae 125 (2010) 539–541
Abstract: Cardamom lines, NKE 9 and NKE 12, resistant to Cardamom Mosaic Virus (CdMV) was crossed to two susceptible genotypes, viz., CCS 1 and RR 1 to determine the nature of inheritance of resistance. It was revealed from the results that the CdMV resistance in NKE 9 and NKE 12 is genetically governed. The F1 hybrids between resistant and susceptible genotypes were resistant. The segregation pattern for disease reaction in F2 and BC1 generations of the two crosses suggested that CdMV resistance in NKE 9 and NKE 12 could be controlled by two dominant complementary genes. Over all it could be hypothesized that the resistance to CdMV is quantitative, with possibly two major factors, and dependant on gene dosage with completely dominant gene action. This is the first report of CdMV inheritance in cardamom.
Appears in Collections:CROP IMPROVEMENT

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