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Title: Effects of type of cutting, IBA and bioinoculants on rooting in madhunashini (GYlllllelll(l sylvestre Retz.)
Authors: Akshitha, H.J
Shankar-appa, T.H
Umesha, K
Keywords: IBA, Azotobacter chroococclIlJ1, madhunashini, vegetative propagation
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: ICAR IISR
Citation: J. /-fortI. Sci. Vol. 9(1):94-97, 2014
Abstract: An experiment was carried out to study the effect of type of cutting, iBA and bioinoclilants on rooting in madhunashini. Among the three types of cuttings, hardwood cuttings registered higher values for frcsh (0.790g/cutting) and dry weight (0.650g/cutting) of sprouts, per cent rooting (6.66 %), fresh and dry weight of roots (0.037 and 0.030g/ cutting) and biomass production (O.682g1cutting). Among IBA and bioinoclilant treatments, Azotobacter Chl'OOCOCCll1II recorded higher values for I)ercentage sprouting (26.66 %) and rooting (9.99 %) as also for other root parameters; whereas, maximu11l frcsh weight (0.863g/cutting) and dry weight of sprouts (0.740glcntting), and, biomass production (0.759g1cutting) was observed in IBA 1000pp", treatmcnt. Interaction effect of type of cutting, IBA and bioinoculauts on fresh and dry weight of sprouts (2.438g and 2.084g, respectively) and biomass production (2.123g/cutting) was found superior in hardwood cultings treated with IBA 1000pp11l. Percentage of rooting (13.33 %) was bettcr in hardwood cuttings treated with Azotobacter cJ,roococclIlII. Therefore, among the various treatments tested, hardwood cuttings treated with AzotobacterchroococclIlII are the best for propagation through cuttings.
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