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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 314
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-01-25In silico assisted identification of peppery aroma compound ‘rotundone’ backbone genes from black pepperGeorge, JK; Shelvy, S; Fayad, AM; Shabeer, ATP; Umadevi, P; Kale, R; Angadi, UB; Iquebal, MA; Jaiswal, S; Rai, A; Dinesh, K
2021Variability of exotic ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) accessions for quality parametersP, Anisha Babu; N.K, Leela; J, Venkatesh; D, Prasath
2019-03ജൈവകൃഷി ഇഞ്ചിയിൽThankamani, C K; Srinivasan, V; Hamza, S; Praveena, R
2017-03Endophytic actinobacteria: Diversity, secondary metabolism and mechanisms to unsilence biosynthetic gene clustersDinesh, R; Srinivasan, V; Sheeja, T E; Anandaraj, M; Hamza, S
2013-03Soil biochemical/microbial indices as ecological indicators of land use change in mangrove forestsDinesh, R; Ghoshal, Chaudhuri S
2019-02Bush Pepper Cultivation A Boon to Konkan FarmersSharon, Aravind; Khandekar, R G; Salvi, B R; Rema, J
2018Association studies for yield and quality traits in ginger (Zingiber officina/e Rose.)Akshitha, H J; Prasath, D; Umesha, K
2018-04Comparison of quality of dry turmeric (Curcuma longa) produced by slicing and other curing methodsJayashree, E; Zachariah, T J; Rakhi, R
2018-08വിയറ്റ്നാമിലെ കുരുമുളക് ഉത്പാദനംSasikumar, B
2018-08സുഗന്ധവ്യഞ്ജന സംസ്കരണ രംഗത്ത് സംരഭകത്വവികസനംE, JAYASREE; ZACHARIAH, T JOHN
2018-07Key to Double Productivity of SpicesBABU, K NIRMAL; SRINIVASAN, V; DINESH, R; KANDIANNAN, K
2018-08Glimpses of Black Pepper Production in VietnamSASIKUMAR, B
2018-07Fruit-based Beverages Enriched With Spice Extracts - Flavour and Health in One BottleZACHARIAH, T JOHN
2018-08Entrepreneurship Development in Spice ProcessingJAYASHREE, E; ZACHARIAH, T JOHN
2012Cardamom ( Book Chapter)Parthasarathy, V A; Prasath, D
2012AllspiceRema, J; Krishnamoorthy, B
2006Long pepperBabu, K N; Ravindran, P N; Peter, K V
2012Capers and caperberriesSozzi, G O; Peter, K V; Babu, K Nirmal; Divakaran, M
2012Methods of analysis of herbs and spicesZachariah, T J; Leela, N K; Shamina, A
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 314