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Title: Foliar Spray of Elicitors on Physiology and Quality Responses in Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
Authors: Sivaranjani, R
Zachariah, T J
Alagupalamuthirsolai, M
Thankamani, C K
Keywords: Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)
Salicylic acid
Issue Date: Oct-2022
Publisher: Indian Journal of Agricultural Research
Citation: R. Sivaranjani, T.J. Zachariah, M. Alagupalamuthirsolai, C.K. Thankamani (2022).Foliar Spray of Elicitors on Physiology and Quality Responses in Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.)Indian Journal of Agricultural Research. 5: 567-572
Abstract: Background: In the presented work, we studied the effect of foliar spray of elicitors namely chitosan, phenylalanine and salicylic acid sans any stress treatment on physiological and quality parameters in turmeric genotypes. Methods: Feld experiment was undertaken under rainfed condition using four genotypes. The elicitors were sprayed at rhizome development stage and various measurements namely chlorophylls, carotenoids content and gas exchange parameters were done at different time intervals. The harvested rhizomes were analysed for its curcuminoids content. Result: The results showed that elicitor treatment increased the leaf chlorophyll and carotenoids content in statistically significant manner. The highest increase in total chlorophyll content (36%) was observed in chitosan treated plants. Likewise, the highest increase in total carotenoids content (33%) was found in phenylalanine treatment. The highest photosynthetic rate increase (76%) was obtained in salicylic acid treatment. The total curcuminoids showed significant increase in only Pragati (16%) and Rajapuri (20%) genotypes. Results suggested that foliar spray of chitosan and salicylic acid at rhizome development stage could be employed to elicit the physiological response and improve the quality of turmeric grown under rainfed condition.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/3242
Appears in Collections:CROP PRODUCTION

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