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dc.contributor.authorBhat, A I-
dc.contributor.authorBiju, C N-
dc.contributor.authorSrinivasan, V-
dc.contributor.authorAnkegowda, S J-
dc.contributor.authorKrishnamurthy, K S-
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Spices and Aromatic CropsVol. 27 (1) : 01-16 (2018)en_US
dc.description.abstractBlack pepper and cardamom are the important spice crops grown in India and other countries.Viruses are one of the major yield limiting factors in both these spice crops. Viral diseases spread at a faster rate in these spices, as they are vegetatively propagated. Lack of sensitive detection methods has led to the widespread distribution of viral diseases in all black pepper and cardamom growing regions. The viruses infecting these two spice crops have now been identified;characterized and sensitive diagnostics developed. Integration of various approaches like use of resistant varieties, virus-free planting materials, vector control and cultural methods are required for the management of viral diseases. Rejuvenation of viral disease affected black pepper plantations through proper soil and plant health management were proved to be successful. The present review deals with characterization, diagnosis and management of viral diseases affecting black pepper and cardamom.en_US
dc.subjectBanana bract mosaic virusen_US
dc.subjectCardamom mosaic virusen_US
dc.subjectCucumber mosaic virusen_US
dc.subjectPiper yellowmottle virusen_US
dc.titleCurrent status of viral diseases affecting black pepper and cardamomen_US
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