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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005-07-01ISS NEWSLETTER JULY TO DECEMBER 2005Indian Society for Spices
2005-01-01ISS NEWSLETTER JANUARY TO JUNE 2005Indian Society for Spices
2004-07-01ISS NEWSLETTER JULY TO DECEMBER 2004Indian Society for Spices
2004-01-01ISS NEWSLETTER JANUARY TO JUNE 2004Indian Society for Spices
2003-07-01ISS NEWSLETTER JULY TO DECEMBER 2003Indian Society for Spices
2002-07-01ISS NEWSLETTER JULY 2002-JUNE 2003Indian Society for Spices
2002-01-01ISS NEWSLETTER 1-Jan-2002Indian Society for Spices
2001-12-01ISS NEWSLETTER 1-Dec-2001Indian Society for Spices
2001-06-01SPICE VISION 1-Jun-2001Indian Society for Spices
2000-08-01SPICE VISION 1-Aug-2000Indian Society for Spices
1999-11-01SPICE VISION 1-Nov-1999Indian Society for Spices
2025-01-07Three decades of Indian society for spices: a short narrationThomas, Lijo; Faisal Peeran, Mohammed; Gayathri, C; Biju, C N; Kandiannan, K
2025-01-07SYMSAC XI - Souvenir & AbstractsKrishnamurthy, K S; Mukesh Sankar, S; Biju, C N; Sivaranjani, R; Shamsudheen, M; Sajesh, V K; Sharon Aravind; Maneesha, S R; Srinivasan, V; Kandiannan, K; Dinesh, R
2004-11-01SYMSAC IJohn Zachariah, T; Dinesh, R; Kandiannan, K; Susheela Bhai, R; Shiva, K N; Ramakrishnan Nair, R; Leela, N K
2005-11-25SYMSAC IILawande, K E
2006-11-08SYMSAC III - ABSTRACTS OF PAPERSRamakrishnan Nair, R; Kandiannan, K; John Zachariah, T
2007-11-25SYMSAC IV - SOUVENIR & ABSTRACTSDinesh, R; Shiva, K N; Prasath, D; Nirmal Babu, K; Parthasarathy, V A
2021-02-21SYMSAC XCN, Biju; M, Alagupalamuthirsolai; CM, Senthil Kumar; R, Dinesh; D, Prasath; R, Ramakrishnan Nair; Eapen, Santhosh J
2015-12SYMSAC - VIII - SOUVENIR & ABSTRACTSKrishnamurthy, K S; Biju, C N; Jayashree, E; Prasath, D; Dinesh, R; Suresh, J; Nirmal Babu, K
2013-11SYMSAC - VII - SOUVENIR & ABSTRACTSSasikumar, B; Dinesh, R; Biju, C N; Srinivasan, V
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 24