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Title: Vegetative propagation of hitchenia careyana benth. (zingiberaceae) through stem cuttings
Authors: Nissar, Muhammed
Thomas, V P
Sabu, M
Keywords: Hitchenia careyana
Ornamental ginger
stem cuttings
Issue Date: Mar-2008
Publisher: CMRA
Citation: Indian Journal of Botanical Research ISSN - 0973 - 2233 Ind. J. Bot. Res. 2008. Vol. 4 (2) : 325 - 328
Abstract: Hitchenia careyana Benth. (Zingiberaceae) is one of the rare wild gingers having good potential ornamental value. They are poorly cultivated in the gardens because of the limited availability of planting materials. A new technique for its vegetative propagation using stem cuttings is standardized for the rapid multiplication of this plant (first of its kind in the family Zingiberaceae). Single noded stem cuttings were sprouted in a medium of clean river sand and hardened in poly bags filled with a mixture of soil, sand and cow dung in equal ratio. Stem cuttings showed high rate of sprouting (98%) and the plantlets survived well in the soil.
ISSN: 0973 - 2233
Appears in Collections:CROP PRODUCTION

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