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Title: Sequence conservation in the coat protein gene of tobacco streak virus isolates causing necrosis disease in cotton, mung bean, sunflower and sunn-hemp in India
Authors: Bhat, A I
Chaudhary, V
Reddy, M Krishna
Ramiah, M
Chattannavar, S N
Varma, A
Keywords: Tobacco streak virus
mung bean
coat Protrin gene sequence
Issue Date: 2002
Citation: Indian Journal of Biotechnology 1(4), pp. 350-356
Abstract: Natural infection of Tobacco streak virus (TSV) in cotton, mung bean, sunflower and sunn-hemp, collected from different locations in India, was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The coat protein (CP) gene sequences of the six TSV isolates originating from different hosts and locations were amplified. The resulting amplicons were cloned and sequenced to assess molecular variability. The sequence and phylogenetic analyses revealed that the CP gene among TSV isolates collected from different hosts and locations was highly conserved (99-100%), suggesting a common origin.
Appears in Collections:CROP PROTECTION

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