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Title: Survey and RT-PCR Based Detection of Cardamom mosaic vIrus Affecting Small Cardamom in India
Authors: Biju, C N
Siljo, A
Bhat, A I
Keywords: Small cardamom
Cardamom mosaic virus
Issue Date: Dec-2010
Citation: Indian J. Virol. (July·December 2010) 21(2):148-150
Abstract: Mosaic or marble or katte disease caused by Cardamom mosaic virus (CdMV) is an important production constraint in all cardamom growing regions of the world. In the present study, 84 cardamom plantations in 44 locations of Karnataka and Kerala were surveyed. The incidence of the disease ranged from 0 to 85%. The inc idence was highest in Madikeri (Kamataka) while no incidence was recorded in Peermade (Kerala). In general , incidence and severity of the disease was higher in cardamom plantations of Karnataka. A procedure for total RNA isolation from cardamom and detection of CdMV through reverse transcription -polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using primers targeting the conserved region of coat protein was standardized and subsequent ly validated by testing more than 50 field cardamom samples originating from Karnataka and Kerala states. The method can be used for indexing the planting mateial and identifying resistant lines/cultivars before either they are further multiplied in large scale or incorporated in breeding.
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