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Title: ISSR markers for genetic diversity analysis in spices - An appraisal
Authors: George, K Johnson
Varma, R Sandeep
Ganga, G
Utpala, P
Sasikumar, B
Saji, K V
Parthasarathy, V A
Keywords: Spices
inter-simple sequence repeat
genetic diversity analysis
Issue Date: Sep-2006
Citation: Indian J. Hort., Vol.63, No.3, September 2006, pp.302-304
Abstract: Inter-simple sequence repeat (IISR) is a multilocus DNA marker increasingly being used for DNA typing of plants. Three non-anchored primers were tested for assessing the suitability of its use in genetic diversity analysis of spices germplasm. Optimum annealing temperature for different primers varied from 42 to 63°C depending on the base sequences of the primers.All the primers were successfully used in amplifying inter-microsatellite regions of small cardamom, large cardamom, different species of vanilla and Pipe. Band profiles obtained with ISSR primers were found to be highly polymorphic and reproducible. The ISSR primer (GACA)4 yielded reproducible and consistent DNA banding pattern in Piper and was found to be useful in distinguishing the seven species selected for the study. It is suggested that ISSR markers, in addition to being simple and time efficient, allow rapid identification of polymorphisms within spices germplasm
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