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Title: Effect of mulches on weed suppression and yield of ginger (Zingiberofficinale Roscoe)
Authors: Thankamani, C K
Kandiannan, K
Hamza, S
Saji, K V
Keywords: Coconut leaves
Organic mulch
Plastic mulch
Weeds control
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Scientia Horticulturae, 2016, Vol.207, pp.125-130
Abstract: Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world for its spice and medicinal values. The emergence and early growth of ginger is inherently slow and weed growth can impact on yield. A field experiment comprising different organic mulch viz., paddy straw, coir pith compost, dried coconut leaves, Glycosmis pentaphylla leaves (farmer’s practice), Lantana camara leaves, cowpea plants and plastic mulch black, ash and white colour were compared with non mulched ginger grown under rainfed condition. The experiment was conducted to identify an alternative to suppress weeds, enhanced yield and income of small-holder ginger farmer. Maximum height (43.2cm) and weed control efficiency (72%) was recorded by the treatment application of one season old paddy straw along with green leaf mulch followed by application of lanthana camara leaves. Application of dried coconut leaves alone at the time of planting recorded maximum benefit cost (B:C) ratio (2.04) followed by the application of one season old paddy straw. White coloured polythene mulch recorded maximum yield (7.52t ha-1) that was similar with ash coloured polythene mulch and income obtained was less compared to other organic mulches. Application of dried coconut leaves as a mulch for suppressing weeds in ginger is a viable technology which can be practiced in places where coconut is being grown in india. Monocot weeds were less in number and among dicots most predominant weed species were Spermacoce latifolia, Ageratum conyzoides, Oldenlandia auricularia, Cleome rutidosperma and Oxalis corniculata.
Appears in Collections:CROP PRODUCTION

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