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dc.contributor.authorThankamani, C K-
dc.contributor.authorAshokan, P K-
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Plantation Crops, 2007, Vol.35, No.3, pp.166-170en_US
dc.description.abstractAn experiment was conducted to study the influence of drip irrigation on yield and quality parameters of bush pepper grown in coconut garden. The treatments included were pot watering (Control) and six levels of drip irrigation 2,4,8,12,16 liters per plant from Oct-May and 16 liters (Oct-March). The highest average dry berry yield per plant for five year’s was recorded in the treatment where 8 liters was provided by drip irrigation (196 g) followed by the treatment 16 liters from October to May (165 g) and the lowest yield was recorded in the treatment 2-litre drip (66 g). Among the different years studied, maximum yield was obtained during 4th year. The benefit cost ratio was high for the treatment 8 1(2.0), followed by 16 1 October-May (1.7) and 12 liters (1.1). The drip irrigation provided at the rate of 2 liters, 4 liters, 16 liters from October-March and 10 liters pot watering recorded a benefit cost ratio of <1. The pooled means showed higher Oleoresin content in the treatments 8 liters, 12 liters and 16 lliters (October-May) drip irrigation treatments and pot watering. The data for four years indicated that maximum Piperine content was recorded in the drip irrigation treatment 161 liters (October-March) and least in 2 liters drip. Of different drip irrigation levels 8 liters daily proved to be the most efficient for obtaining maximum profit from bush pepper intercropped in coconut gardenen_US
dc.subjectBush pepperen_US
dc.subjectdrip irrigationen_US
dc.subjectbenefit cost ratioen_US
dc.titleInfluence of drip irrigation on growth and yield of bush pepper (piper nigrum L.) intercropped in coconut garden in laterite soilen_US
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