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Title: Cardamom Production - A Success Story
Authors: Korikanthimath, V S
Veuugopal, M N
Naidu, R
Issue Date: 1989
Citation: Spice India, Vol.2, No.9, pp.19-24, 1989
Abstract: Attempts made at the NRCS Cardamom Research Centre, Appangala, Kodagu, Karnataka and some of the selected plantations, revealed that by intensive scientific management cardamom production can be stepped up significantly. Based on this lead, a strategy for intensive cultivation was tested in farmers field. In one of such Demonstration Plots (viz, M/s. Chettoli Estate, Chettalli, North Coorg) wherein the scientific method of cultivation was adopted from 1982 onwards, a modest yield of 290 kg/ha was obtained in 1984 (2 years after planting) followed by the highest yield of 1625 kg/ha recorded in 1985 (3 years after planting). This was followed by 400, 775 and 800 kg/ha of dry cardamom in 1986, 1987 and 1988, 4th, 5th and 6th year after planting respectively. Because of the adopting of scientific cultivation practices, it was possible to produce an average of 778 kg/ha of dry cardamom which is 13 times more than the national average yield of 60 kg/ha. The recurring cost of cultivation of cardamom for an average crop of 750 kg/ha was Rs.30,000/ha which works out to be Rs.40-00 for producing one kg of cardamom would be Rs.60,000/-per ha per year. The results show a vast potentiality for increasing the yield at a relatively reduced cost of production
Appears in Collections:CROP PRODUCTION

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